Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA

+1 -800-456-478-23

The first
Object Oriented Digital Interaction Agency.

The number of neurons in a single brain no longer matters

What "Object Oriented" stands for?

The term ‘object oriented’ is derived from a programming language called Smalltalk and refers to the concept of an object, any physical or conceptual entity that can be treated as a unit.

We’ve all been there: you’re in a meeting, and the person who’s speaking is talking about their new app. And they’re talking about how it’s going to be the next big thing, but the way they talk about it doesn’t sound like they know what they’re doing.

Well, here’s the thing: they don’t. They don’t know what they’re doing because they aren’t Object Oriented.

Object Oriented is a new way of thinking about digital interaction. It allows agencies to create multi-brained connections with their clients and customers, which leads to better interaction and more opportunities for growth. It also allows for more dynamic interactions between individuals on both sides of the screen, which lets them communicate more effectively and efficiently than ever before.

LinkedBrains is a new type of digital agency that works with clients to create multi-brain, multi-person interactions. We are committed to keeping the human element at the center of our work, and we believe that technology can be used to do incredible things when it is combined with real human intelligence.

Digital Interaction

We are LinkedBrains, and we’re here to change the way you interact with your customers.

We’ve developed a new digital platform that allows you to connect directly with your customers in a way that’s never been done before. Our platform allows you to easily create immersive, interactive experiences for your customers that can be accessed from any device your website, social media platforms, or even their phone!

You’ll no longer need to wait until they’re at your store or location; instead, they can get an experience tailored just for them and their interests on their time and terms.

And best of all? You don’t need any special equipment or hardware, our platform works wherever there is an internet connection.

Interaction is the new communication

Interaction is the new communication, is more important how you tell than what you say.

When it comes to communication, the most important thing is to listen. Lots of people think that if they talk fast and loud enough, their message will be heard. This couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s not about how loudly you speak but how deeply you listen.

Listening is a very powerful tool because it allows us to understand each other on a deeper level. It helps us connect with others and even ourselves in ways we may have never thought possible before. In addition, listening can help us learn important things about ourself and others that we might not have known otherwise!

There’s a reason why we’re all here: to connect. And the best way to do that is with good old-fashioned conversation.

The internet can be a wonderful place for bringing people together, but it can also make it easier to stay disconnected from others in your life. The problem with that is that everyone needs to interact with others regularly in order for their minds and bodies to function properly and the more you interact, the better you feel.

And what does that have to do with LinkedBrains? Well, we think we’re onto something when it comes to making it easier for you and everyone else to have those conversations and interactions that are so crucial for your mental health and well-being even through digital.

It’s the idea that when two or more people interact, their combined knowledge, skills and experience become accessible to each. They can explore a whole new consciousness era.


Our goal is to make the cryptocurrency market grow faster and help to maximize profits fol all.

Wondering what tokens is supported?
30.000.00 ICC
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Pre Sale
20.000.00 ICC
0 %
March 18
35.000.00 ICC
0 %
April 18
15.000.00 ICC
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May 18


The Digital Interaction Experience Platform (DIXP®) is an evolution of the Digital Experience Platform (DXP), which revolutionized the world by creating a user-centric interaction. DIXP® is able to learn from you and adapt to your needs, but it goes one step further: it can create interactions with you as well.

This means that instead of simply communicating with you based on what it has learned about your preferences, DIXP® will be able to communicate with you in ways that are relevant to you. It may even try to understand how your preferences have changed over time and adapt accordingly.

DIXP® is an incredible improvement over DXP because it makes sure that the interactions you have with all devices are tailored to your needs and interests, not just in terms of what they say but how they say it.

At LinkedBrains, we believe that a user-centric experience is the key to creating a truly immersive digital experience.

That’s why we created Digital Interaction Experience Platform. DIXP® is powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning to create interactions that are customized for each user, as well as their context, preferences, and needs.

We’re ready to go beyond

DIXP® and related Logo are Registered Trade Mark of LinkedBrains LTD

Our Roadmap

We Worked On and For

Client 1
Client 2
Client 3
Client 4
Client 5
Client 6
Client 7
Client 8

Our Partner

Client 1
Client 2
Client 3
Client 4